By Rena Hudson
Back before hospitals used disposable surgical supplies during operations and other procedures there were a lot of reported cases of infections. Hospitals faced a great deal of lawsuits because of these post-operation infections. Many of them turned out to be deadly for some people as well. Not something that a hospital operations team wants to deal with.

When these infections happened they usually ended up being the result of utensils and tools that were not properly cleaned or sanitized like they should have been. They all have specific rules and procedures that crews and staff need to follow in order to make sure that these items were properly cleaned, but sometimes shortcuts may have been taken.

This was also the case for smaller, independent offices. Small family practice and specialty offices were also facing litigation because of mistakes made with the cleaning process of surgical tools. Even though they spent millions on training those whose job it was to clean the tools, people were still getting sick.

They spent a lot of time and a lot of money to try and find out why this was happening. But then they decided that it did not matter why it was happening, it was better to just make the change and go with an easy solution. Using disposable surgical supplies would solve most of the problems, whatever they were.

Taking these items and using them in hospitals is also a good idea and one that is taking place everywhere. When hospitals have their surgical centers supplied with these they actually can save money. They have run operational tests to see what would be cheaper. They used to have all the supplies put into a large container and brought into a sanitizing center.

When using these types of tools they discovered that they would also save money because they no longer had to train people to properly clean the utensils and also did not have to pay for all of the necessary cleaning chemicals. It was much cheaper than all of the overhead caused by using non-disposable tools. The lawyers they would have to keep on retainer got cheaper because they no longer had to worry about so many suits.

Hospitals all over the country eventually caught on and started to do the same thing. Pretty soon it became an industry standard and then it spread to all the other medical professionals. Doctors offices all over also started using these because it meant all the same things for them as well. They could not absorb the financial losses that a hospital could either.

Disposable surgical supplies have really saved the medical industry a lot of headaches all over. Millions of dollar, probably billions of revenue saved in lawsuits that were no longer taking place and money saved in overhead. These new procedures made things easier for everyone from nurses to administrators. When they did not have to pay so much in training employees to properly clean these tools they no longer had to worry about them making mistakes.

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