Great benefits of Herbs to heal ailments

By Diane Simpson
For cooking delicious meals, herbs provide the right ingredients but do we ever ponder that that many of the common herbs are very beneficial to health. If we are really convinced about the health benefits of herbs, we would perhaps modify some of our eating habits a little and enjoy a tasty and healthy meal.

The herbs are mostly full of anti-oxidants. The medical research has proved that anti-oxidants are helpful in protecting us against the free radicals which are present in the air around us, to which we are continuously exposed. The free radicals are the pollutants in the environment. These are also found in processed food and when we are stressed. They also cause damage to tissues and cells which go on to cause ageing, cancer autoimmune diseases and some others. We could have whole grains, fruits, vegetables and herbs to save us from the free radicals providing enough anti oxidants. We could also eat anti-oxidant pills to protect ourselves.

Herbs having anti-aging and health benefits

Basil----This herb can be grown domestically. However it will need a minimum of 6 hours of sun rays daily without any fail with moist soil. BetaCaryophyllene and eugenalare the basic components of the herb that helps in healing symptoms like sudden spasms, pains in head and, Arthritis. It has a strong ant-aging and anti-bacterial property

Dell---- Dell, is an easy herb to grow. It is rich in phytonutrient Quercitim. It helps to protect the skin from UV rays.

Rosemary---- This is easily grown and it requires lot of sunlight and a soil which drains out water well. Rosemary has sufficient anti-oxidants. This is at times used in creams meant for anti-ageing as it assists generation of collagen and helps to maintain skin tone. This also helps if you have lung congestion. Rosemary can be added in soups, sauces, salads and meat dishes.

Oregano--- It is also an easy to grow herb. It has a high amount of anti-oxidant property. It has also great antimicrobial properties. You can add oregano to your salads, soups, sauces, poultry dishes and meat.

Garlic---Health benefits of garlic has always been proved by many latest scientific studies. Allicin and diallyd sulphide are contained in garlic which are two main healing compounds. Garlic is being used since many years as a herbal medicine. This has been used since long to manage blood pressure and to control. Garlic is a strong natural antibiotic, as proved by the modern research. Garlic has long term health benefits contrary to the medicines, as it stays longer in the body. Old garlic is a strong anti-oxidant and thus provides protection to the body against free radicals.

Nasturitium--- It is a delicious herbal remedy having its origin in S America. It is widely known as herbal remedy for treating skin conditions as also the urinary tract, respiratory system. It is also suggested in case of cold and Flu, Cystitis, home remedy for hair loss or Alopecia.

Nettles--- The medicinal property of pectoral and astringent are contained in this herb which heals numerous health problems. Of these problems, gastric ulcers, arthritis and blood pressure are the main.

Nutmeg--- It is a seed within a hard cove. Nutmeg is used widely for Asthma, relieving aching joints, Alzheimer, Indigestion etc.

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